Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One of Solution to Face The Failure

When we walked in the corporate world, we'll get the particularity of time in wich the failure our approach. Naturally, cause life's like a spinning wheel, sometimers we'll not always at the top and vice versa.

To face it, one of solution is to divide the focus. Di you mean? that's, let usn't focur on just one directionh (the business). Well, we should pursue 2 or 3 businness at once. Why should it? Cause if you only focus on one business, as a result proficiency level inthese efforts will fail or are currently under and or in the state who don't want. So?? so, there isn't other alternative supporting or motivating spirit.

Take for a example, when we're kind of affiliate busines to her, not hurt us also elaborates the PTC or other business. So, when business was slow our affiliate there supporting us from other business field.

But, don't be too much into the various business. It will only make us dizzy and our focus became depressed. The experts also recommended to pursue 2 - 5 effort. Never more than 5, except for thatreally pro.

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