Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 Most Common Mistakes Made by Beginners E-mail Marketing

If you are currently facing the problem that, despite everything you can (and should) do, you see very few (or no result) of the job over e-mail marketing, the good news is, you can breathe a little easier if you are not alone.

95% of all online sellers (particularly those starting with email marketing) are also facing exactly the same problem that you encounter. And that's exactly why I write this article - to help you identify potential problems of your email marketing campaigns, and how to correct it.

You'll discover in this article, three common mistakes made by the vast majority of traders who are new to email marketing and how you can go to their correction.

1. If you build it yourself mailing list?
The reason I asked this question because many of the new e-mail marketing are guilty of the error on the mailing list itself (due to the fact that the building will not hurt time to build a list of subscribers) - Instead, what they did was they bought the mailing of a person at low prices.

This mailing list is of very poor quality (think about it, if the mailing list is good, and generating huge amounts of liquidity to the list owner will even want to sell first?) And as such, no matter what you do, you will never be able to type any of the results of your email marketing campaigns.

What you need to do a lot of time and effort to build your own mailing list - The best way to develop what is called an opt-in page, where each page contains only two parts, a gift (to be given as an incentive when someone chooses from a list of your subscribers) and an opt-in box where your potential customers can enter their name and e-mail to enter.

One you have finished developing your opt-in page, you can use different strategies for generating traffic (both paid and free) and start generating targeted traffic to your opt-in page. The more traffic you can drive to your opt-in page, the more potential subscribers can obtain (in your list of subscribers).

2. Maintain contact with your subscriber list?
Many buyers who are new to email marketing is also guilty of having made this error - This, after getting a person on their list to close, they have no contact with them until a few months later when she a product to sell and send them an e-mail to their mailing list.

Email marketing is not only a huge mailing list to build. You need to keep in touch with your subscribers of the list (by providing valuable content and building a strong relationship with them via e-mail) regularly - I recommend sending an email to your subscribers every 3 to 5 days.

And do not start promoting the products and services. You want a strong relationship with your subscribers and build their faith and confidence in yourself first before you start earning to send promotional e-mails (where you try to sell a product or service).

3. All e-mails you send purely promotional?
Always remember - people are not online products and services now. But they come online to find information.

Therefore, please refrain from sending emails to your subscribers with promotional nature, as this will only result in them being fed to you and, eventually, they will click on the link to remove your mailing list (and you lose your customer for life).

What you should do is send a mixture of information (where your subscribers with useful tips and information) for promotional emails.

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